Wednesday, May 31, 2017

My Work Space

Hello, all! I am writing to give a little glimpse into the space where I am and work from (90% of the time). This space is something that has become sacred to me, because it is practically where the I spend the majority of my time. Last summer was an extremely sad, hard time for me. I rarely left this space. It was where I felt safe, where I felt most myself, whoever that person was. This is vital in making influential, new work, along with creating somewhere you can let your creativity form around you as you work. I love this space and what it has done for me, and now I can share it with you, too! I hope you enjoy.

Monday, May 29, 2017

High School Art Show Update

There are several things that run through my mind as I reminisce on the Art Show that was this past Thursday at my high school. A lot of emotions. A lot of hatred and heartache. A lot of sadness and disappointment. Most of my artwork was created in response to the school and various others putting me through hell.  Me not being listened to. Me not fitting in in all sorts of different ways this school year. Practically all of my artwork had come from the heartache and the suffering that people, faculty who lied and spread rumors about me, in that school had created and abused me with. Now this artwork was displayed, in that very building that had tried to break me. That had harassed me and made fun of me until I practically almost gave in. But there was something rather empowering within all of this also. I got to rub artwork, successful artwork, in the face's of all of those who had hurt me. I had felt whole. I had felt like I had accomplished the greatest revenge on those who had tried to hurt me: success. So on that note, I can only be so disappointed with the artwork that was put out for all to see at the art show this past Thursday evening. I did not necessarily put out my best work, but I am highlighting a few of my favorites, which are shown below.

While these pieces are not entirely successful, they are successful considering the circumstances. I am overall happy, because it shows me in even the worst of times, you can still create. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

April/May Update - My Outlook on Goal Setting

Hey, Peeps! I apologize for being away from the keyboard for a bit, school and life have been so hectic. I would like to do a month in review recap, and reflect on various things that were successes and my goals moving forward. I love the idea of short term and long term goals. They're rather great. They push you towards the future goals that you want while doing so through various little goals. SO cool, right?

Some of my short term goals are listed here.
1) Read more. - ☑️

2) Deeply spring clean car and bedroom. -☑️

3) Create business cards to promote commission pieces and to go with existing pieces. -☑️

I am happy to have done all three things in the past month, for I feel like they have helped me become a better, more driven me. Anytime you accomplish a goal, you should feel proud. And while long term goals are the ones that are the hardest to rationalize and make happen, if you keep working for them, it will either pay off or you tried your best to make it happen. These goals, among others, are ones to keep in mind. Cleaning should be important, but so should be getting your own apartment someday or having a solid career. While many of us see just things in black and white, there are so many things to look forward to if you work towards all of the little and large goals.

 Even if these goals are as little as reading a new book, like me (American Gods is honestly amazing so far btw. I say 10/10!)

And even as little as making yourself feel professional with little business cards. 

Lastly, as far as my room and car go, I will be showing my spaces and give a further glimpse into my little life in my next post(s). SOOO, please stay tuned! 

💋- Grace