Wednesday, July 12, 2017

My Experiences Here at NHIA Pre-College (So Far!)

So, as many of you who care enough to read my blog, I am currently in Manchester, New Hampshire for New Hampshire Institute of Art's Pre-College Program. This experience is here to give me a glimpse into what college would be like here at NHIA, to build my portfolio, and get feedback on my current portfolio and work I am currently producing. This experience so far has been different for me, given that I am naturally not a social person and that I am currently hiding in my room while everyone is hanging in the lounge. Yay! But for reals, I am not a social person, however, I am enjoying the experience I am getting here at NHIA. My RA, Shannon, is super chill and sweet, and so are the rest of the RA's that guide us around campus. I am currently taking a visual storytelling & narrative illustration class, along with a painting course called "painting on the edge of abstraction and realism". Both I am thoroughly enjoying, and I really like how my style is somewhat speaking volumes. My style is definitely different than may of the artists in the program, for a lot of them create or replicate animated characters and are really into the sci-fi-fi realm. But one thing that is so great about art is that it is okay to be different. At the end of the day, different does not mean bad: it is just different. And honestly, I love that my style and interpretation of various assignments and things are different than others, because that is what may make me stand out later on in my art career. And while it ma be scary (really scary) sometimes, at the end of the day, I am making art. I am creating something to make someone feel something. I am making something allows interpretation and emotion. I am creating.

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